War rooms, coffee shops and other holy places

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances..." 

-1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

This year I am celebrating a big anniversary.  Thirty years ago, I began my journey and training in the foundations of  intercession. Learning about God through prayer ( the ongoing conversation with the Most High) has been a blessing in my life. I have seen this conversation change situations in the lives of others.  However, I have seen how this tête-à-tête has mostly changed me.  It brings awareness to the things I think I need to be content; whether I am in sync with the will of God; and  shines a light on the comparisons that I sometimes make on whether I am good enough. (Being nosey and looking around at what other people are doing has always gotten me in trouble.)

One of these comparison spots was having a war room. I know many prayer warriors that have war rooms, decorated spaces with boards laid out with the prayer requests of their families and communities. I know prayer warriors with designed prayer closets and even she-sheds dedicated to their prayer time. This is a practice that has given them focus and solace. However, this has never been my personal style.  My prayer practice did not match the warriors around me and that used to make me feel inadequate.  

 My secret place has always been hidden in plain sight. In my college days, my prayer time would be on the local city bus en route to class… or in the library between classes. As I entered my career, my space was my car or in a park on my lunch break…. Or anywhere at all really.  

You see, I have always carried a notebook.  A place for thoughts, prayers, requests, celebration and thanksgiving. A place to write to God about the things that didn’t make sense. This book was my “war room” and I could take it anywhere, code it anyway I wanted and hide it, in plain sight, if necessary.

Everyone should have a secret place before God, but your secret place does not have to look like anyone else's. I had to stop comparing my spiritual needs with the needs of others and find a rhythm that worked for me and God. My God space was always a place in my heart. He goes with me everywhere, so I can speak to Him anywhere. And I let that flow go into my notebook.

Now, nature may be my favorite place to pray- in a garden, on a hike or by a park bench by a lake; but I just need a place where I can feel that I can hear Him clearly.  Where the ambient sound of my own thoughts can quiet and God and I can have a clear conversation, nothing fancy - just talk.  My holy place is anywhere I can hear him clearly - a coffee shop, a hospital waiting room, or a parking lot - anywhere works as long as I can hear.

Because God is not loud. He will let me talk for five minutes or even five hours  and then He will whisper His answers.  Because God does not scream. Even though He will let us scream, even in His presence, when the pain is too much to bear, when bitterness won’t uproot itself and when grief just won’t make room for anything else.  He lets us scream.  And when we listen, He speaks. He pours His peace into us. He fills and heals the broken cracks in my human vessel and turns my heart into a holy place….Which is the only place He has ever asked for.

Find the rhythm that works for God and you.  Keep listening until you can hear.

Until next time
